—trust the process

Last Saturday, I saw a sign. I was having a coffee with a beautiful friend and at the table next to me sat a beautiful lady, her back was facing me and I could see her tattoo that was just above her elbow and big enough for me to easily see and I wondered what was in store for us. The tattoo said:

“Trust the Process”

“Every new beginning come from some other beginnings end."

—“Closing Time” by Semisoni

It felt intentional. It felt very solid in its message to me to in fact TRUST IN THE PROCESS. At that exact moment, I was feeling great. Life was feeling really good! What I didn’t realise was that I would lean into this moment, into this message in the week that was ahead. This sign, simple yet profound has held me heart this week through some big changes and challenges.

What if life is just a series of trusting in the process? What it if is a journey of just following the breadcrumbs, the sun and our hearts? Noticing the signs along the way? It sounds so simple when it is said like that. We get one answer, then before we know it a new question emerges, sometimes at the same time, some times just after. The pause between is sometimes non existent and sometimes it is small. There really is never a big gap or pause is there. Life is constantly unfolding and unraveling, things rising, emotions being felt, things leaving, emotions moving through. It is hard to believe that the things we are worried about today, will be long forgotten and replaced with something completely new in not too long.

The bigger the challenge, the longer it lingers. The bigger the lesson and growth, the more it stays at the forefront. What feels impossible right now, will be done and over before we know it.

It has got me thinking, why is it that we attach so intently to what is happening right in front of us when we know and we can easily see from past experiences that everything in fact does always pass. It always has an ending, a new beginning — every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.

So the end is the beginning and the beginning is the end? And life is essentially a series of days of these happening? Such an interesting thought.

It helps to lean into trust. To lean into things working out in ways we cannot see right now. It helps to soften the challenge. It helps to soak in the gratitude.

Knowing it is all so temporary — what if we just let it be?

What if we just let it be? What if we just let it be whatever it is and whatever it needs to be. What if we let go of all resistance and just trusted in the process? It is so much easier said than done. In black and white it sounds so simple, but enter human emotions of all types and it has a scrambling and grasping for anything secure or certain. To make us feel safe. To make us feel like everything is going to be okay.

We are such funny creatures us humans. Very complex yet so very simple. Put simply, we are all the same. We all have emotions and feelings.

We all have hearts that want to love, that want to belong and that want to feel seen and heard. We all want to matter. We all want to be a part of something greater.

But we are anything but simple. You add family dynamics, past experiences, traumas and fears and its gets messy and murky pretty quickly. Life has a way of working even the most turbulent times out, our job is to stay the course, trust the process. It is all so temporary and so ever changing.

Life is fluid. Life is constantly changing. What if we just let it?

This week has been one of great change and the implications of a situation may be felt for possibly ever. Sometimes these things pass quickly and others they take much longer. It begs me to wonder, I know acceptance, gratitude and trust are the key ingredient to how much we suffer, in how long we feel it all for. Somethings are easy to accept and others are not so easy, the ones that change your life forever more usually are the ones with the most lessons, challenges and in time blessings.

So right now, as we lean into a big change, I wonder if you may be too? I am trying to muster all the courage, all the trust and all the proof that it somehow, someway always seems to be okay.

If this is you too, I see you and I am sending you SO much love!


Trust the Process…

Let us make a wish from our heart, and hope that it comes true!

Wishing you so much love in being brace and leaning in today and always xx


—the new